Saturday, December 30, 2006

An Incredible 7450 Miles (2)

Our itinerary map, a incredible 7,450 miles cross north America ...... I've taken about 1435 photos along our driving, surely will show about 347 photos here (done).
...... Please check out later ...... Thank you for visiting ......
Posted by Hello

#6, August 25th, 2002

Finally, we got a good night's sleep in a hotel near Doval airport. We visited a very nice looking shopping mall in Montreal, Canada, bought some school clothes for my daughter, then went back to Hamilton, Ontario. Montreal is an attractive and beautiful city, there are a lot of people coming from southern states especially in weekend. (they are looking for fun ...)

#7, August 26th, 2002

We crossed border back to United States through Rainbow Bridge on August 26th, 2002. We drove from Buffalo to Syracuse to Binghamton to Scanton tp Spring Valley then tp Tarrytown. Around Syracuse there is heavy congestion, other drivers say it's very common there. We chose Tarrytown to stay at because of the advice offered by two couples from New York City that we met at a McDonald's outside of Scanton, they said the Hotels in Manhattan Island was very expensive at that time. So we decided to go on. At suset we were enjoying the sight provided by the Hudson River.

#8, August 27th, 2002
We took commuter train from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal, then got on a subway (MTA) to Wall Street to see New York Security Exchange. We did see it but could not enter the building which was heavily safeguarded. After seeing the security Exchange Building, we took ferry to the Statue of Liberty Island (1, 2) and the Ellis Island Immigration Musuem. With high spirits, we recongnized that the United States is one of the few nations on earth still welcoming immigrants (others might be Canada, Australia and New Zealand). When we visited the Empire State Building(ESB) I almost lost my didgital camera but thanks to the security screener there, I did not. Afterwards, we had a very nice and expensive chinese dinner very near the ESB.

#9, August 28th, 2002

It was a rainy day when we drove from New York City to Washington DC, also an hour of congestion on the road. We stayed at a Day's Inn about 5 miles to Union Station. August 29th, 2002, we had a very good tour at the capital's vista points. Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Arlinton National Cemetery. A very impressive phrase we glimpsed was"Freedom is not free!" We need to visit DC again. Next time we would like to stay even longer ......

#10, August 30th, 2002
We drove a lot today(August 30th, 2002), passed Virginia all the way to Dickson Tennessee. We very appreciate what we bought at a small Virginia town. A whole Virginia Ham! It was a real ham and tasted so delightfully mouthwatering....

#11, August 31st, 2002

We were enjoying the dazzling scenic views on the road while passing Arkansas, Oklahoma,and Texas on August 31. My family was hoping to stop at a big city to spend the night but we were too tired to drive to a big city. Fortunately, we stopped at a historic motel right by Old Route 66 in Alanreed, Texas. (1, 2, 3, where we stayed) Secretly in my heart, I was very happy to stop there. I got a little taste of the past when I laid my eyes on the furniture in that motel. There was even an old black/white T.V. with a dial to change channels. I hadn't seen those for many, many years. The real Alanreed sunset views are better than what I can show you here. Texas is too great to be seen just on a computer!

#12, September 1st, 2002
We had a great time during the drive through New Mexico and Arizona. Before we got to Laughlin, Nevada, the bright hues of the setting sun with majestic dark mountains in the background is breath-taking, I mean really ... even though we had seen many sunset views along the California Pacific Coast, Big Sur, Pacifica, Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay, Gloden Gate Bridge, we were still moved. I didn't try very hard to take a picture of that particular sunset. I knew there was no possible way to capture the beauty that engulfed my mind at the time... where stayed in Laughlin, Nevada.


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